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Registration for summer 2025:

Opens via private link early April for returning families.

Opens via invitation to new families late April

To get on the list as a new family please complete our waitpool:

ILBC Wait Pool Registration- for interested NEW swimmers to ILBC

How Can I Join?

We are excited you are interested in ILBC for your swimmers!

New Swimmer Registration: New swimmers interested in joining ILBC's swim team will need to add their information to our wait pool.  We typically have a handful of open spots each season. If you are interested in joining the team please complete the wait pool link (found above) to be added to the list to be notified of open spots. On or about April 30th we will begin extending open spots to swimmers in our wait pool. 

Returning ILBC Swimmer Registration: Returning swimmers (all 2024 team members) should have received a link to register. Make sure to sign in with your Swimtopia account when you register.

Swim Ability: All swimmers must be able to swim the width of the pool (stroke doesn't have to be pretty) to join the team. We have found summer after kindergarten to be the ideal start time for young swimmers. 

Swim Evaluations: All new swimmers will be asked to come to a quick 10 minute swim evaluation to allow coaches to place them in the appropriate swim group. These typically take place the Tuesday after Memorial Day. 

Cost: We work hard to make swim team an affordable experience. Currently it is $170 per first swimmer, $140 for second swimmer, $110 for third swimmer and $95 each for additional swimmers. ILBC members receive a $50 discount per swimmer. In addition all swimmers need to have AAU insurance and that is $20 per swimmer. Swimmers will also need some gear- you can see details on that below. All meets are free except the optional AA County Meet. 

What is expected of team members/families?

ILBC is a great place to grow your swim skills, meet new friends and have fun! There are a few expectation to be aware of to ensure you have a great summer:

1. Practice is a Priority! Please make every effort to attend practices. The optimum number of practices is 4/5 per week, but a minimum of two per week should be attended to participate in that week’s meet. Exceptions to this rule will be made on a case by case basis when parents inform the head coach of the circumstances (i.e. vacation, sickness, etc.). All swimmers who swim with another swim team during the summer must also make at least 2 ILBC practices each week.

2. Meets are Important! We are in a competitive league - Greater Annapolis Swim League- as such we need swimmers to compete in meets! Each swimmer is expected to compete in at least two regular season meets each summer. Additional swim meet opportunities include our Red-White inter squad meet, GASL Championship meets and the County Summer Swim Meet. 

3. We Run on Volunteers! ILBC swim team in a nearly entirely volunteer run organization. With the exception of the coaching staff everyone who leads is a volunteer. Swim meets also require LOTS of volunteers to run smoothly. Each family will be asked to fulfill a specific number of volunteer points per child with a family maximum of 20. At the end of the season there will be a $10 fine for each point not fulfilled. All fines will need to be paid prior to the start of the following season or your swimmer's spots may be released to the wait pool. Volunteer registration opens Sunday evenings two weeks before each meet. 

4. Gear!  Summer swim team does not require a lot of gear to participate but we do have a few things you'll need:

  • Goggles- we recommend mirrored googles to help with sun in the eyes
  • Team Suit- TYR Durafast Elite Solid with Diamondfit back in black for girls, TYR Durafast Elite Jammer- Black for boys. As always any previous season suit will work or any plain black suit. 
  • Team Swimcap- per GASL rules all swimmers who wear a cap for meets must be in a plain cap or a team logo cap. We will have ILBC caps available at registration and concessions.  It is expected that girls with long hair will wear a cap for practice and meets. 
  • Sneakers- our older groups all participate in dryland practices most days and will need sneakers for this practice.
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