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ILBC Leadership

We are excited to introduce our 2024 Coaching and Leadership Team to you. 

Nathan Scrivener: Head of Team. We are excited to welcome Nathan Scrivener as our returning head of team for the 2025 season.  Nathan is an ILBC swim team alumni- having spent his childhood at Indian Landing and swimming on the team.  He is excited to continue to grow our team and program. 

Jeannine Cosh: Tech Rep. Jeannine will be our lead tech this year. You will hear from her often with those heat sheets and other important information related to entries. 

Brent Canaday: Deck Manager, Head Starter & Lead Official 

Matt Weimer: Volunteer Coordinator

Head Coach: TBD

Assistant Coaches: TBD

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To reach any of the leadership team please email us at [email protected]

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Indian Landing Boat Club

Want to learn more about Indian Landing Boat Club? Visit our website here: Indian Landing Boat Club

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